Registration is renewed following Board approval of an application for renewal.You may apply to renew your registration in the months prior to when your registration period is due to expire. Full registration may be renewed for a period of up to five years. Provisional registration may be renewed for a period of up to two years.
The Board will communicate in writing via email with teachers in advance about the impending expiry of registration, including information on the registration renewal application process.
Renewal of registration is only granted to the same category of registration previously held by the applicant. If you would like to apply to move from provisional to full registration, information on this process can be found here.
If your registration has lapsed before you have applied for a renewal, you will need to submit a new application for registration. If you wish to discuss this further, please contact the Office of the Board.
Teachers who continue to be eligible for registration and have complied with any conditions imposed on their registration will be granted registration renewal. In particular, the Board will require evidence of:
Professional Experience and Currency of Practice | 180 days of teaching practice |
Professional Development | 100 hours minimum of a broad range of professional development activities across the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers or the Australian Professional Standard for Principals, within the preceding five year period |
Fit and Proper person | Criminal History Check (National and/or Overseas) |
Professional experience and currency of practice is defined as a minimum of 180 days of teaching practice (or one full year of teaching) in the previous five years and is inclusive of all tasks teachers would undertake in the normal course of their employment as a teacher, including educational leadership and equivalent practice.
In addition, all teachers are required to comply with the Professional Development Framework which sets the minimum requirements (as outlined in the table above) for the maintenance of registration. Professional Development is a requirement to demonstrate ongoing learning that renews, enhances, develops or changes professional practice and links to the Standards.
Teachers must take responsibility for becoming familiar with the requirements to maintain and renew Full Registration. Resources listed below have been provided to assist teachers in understanding and documenting all requirements.
- Maintenance and Renewal of Full Registration in the NT Guidelines
- Maintenance and Renewal of Full Registration in the NT Policy
- Guide to Evidencing Impact for NT Teachers
- Professional Learning Log for Teachers
- Professional Learning Log for Principals and Assistant Principals
- Annotated Exemplar: Professional Learning Log
- Terms and Definitions for Renewal of Full Registration
- The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- The Australian Professional Standard for Principals
- Equivalent Practice in the Teaching Profession NT
Teachers who are ineligible to renew full registration
The Board acknowledges that some teachers will not be able to meet the requirements for renewal. The online renewal application makes available the opportunity for teachers to indicate they cannot meet the requirements. Where this ineligibility relates to not meeting the thresholds for professional experience and currency of practice or professional development requirements, the applicant may choose to be considered for provisional registration instead.
At the time of renewal, teachers who do not meet the requirements for Full Registration are able to nominate that they wish to instead be considered for Provisional Registration for a term of three years.
If a teacher is granted Provisional Registration in this circumstance, they will be considered to be a provisionally registered teacher in all jurisdictions, and if applying for registration in another jurisdiction under Mutual Recognition, their category of registration will be Provisional.
The Board will conduct an audit of teachers in the six months following the end of the renewal period. This is to provide quality assurance that maintaining and renewing the category of Full Registration demonstrates teachers’ commitment to ongoing professional learning, recent currency of practice and clear relationships between the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and a teacher’s practice.
Selection for audit is random and is based on registration numbers, not a person’s name. School leaders have no influence on who is selected for audit and nor does the Teacher Registration Board. The registration numbers are loaded into a randomising program and selected through this program.
The following resource has been provided to assist teachers if audited:
Page last updated: 17 July 2024