All registered teachers in the Northern Territory are subject to a condition requiring compliance with the Board’s Professional Development Framework. This condition cannot be revoked or varied by the Board, however additional condition/s relating to specific, identified professional development needs may be imposed. More information on the Teacher Registration Board Professional Development Framework, including a copy of the Framework, can be found here.

In some cases registration is granted with a condition. These condition/s may be necessary to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements for registration. A condition may also be imposed on your registration by the Board at any time during your registration period, due to an identified need. These condition/s are imposed where the Board determines that you require additional support to meet, or continue to meet, the eligibility requirements for registration.

Conditions may impose a limitation or restriction on the teacher, or may require the teacher to undertake an action or provide further information deemed necessary by the Board. Conditions are imposed to assist a teacher to meet the administrative, conduct and/or compliance expectations of the Board. Failure to comply with a condition can have implications for a teacher’s registration or authorisation, and may result in suspension or cancellation, or refusal to grant registration, or to renew registration.

The Board will advise you in writing of any action it takes in imposing, varying or revoking registration conditions. You may also write to the Board to request a variation or revocation of a registration condition. Registration conditions appear on your certificate of registration.